The 24-year-old Alexis Gabe’s family was educated about the letters on Thursday, concurring reports from KGO-TV, in the wake of getting a duplicate from specialists that included driving directions.

Alexis Gabe’s dad accepts his girl is alive out there Specialists trust that the bearings, purportedly wrote by Marshall Jones, 27, Alexis’ supposed executioner and ex, portray the course to the peripheral California town of Pioneer. He might have unloaded her body some place beyond Sacramento, exactly 70 miles away.

The letter, which was disclosed on Alexis’ father’s Facebook page, guides the Pioneer site, including left and right turns, as well as an inexact driving time. The bearings, as indicated by the specialists, reached a conclusion not a long way from where the body was found.

Criminal investigators had the option to pinpoint Jones’ area when he walked out on. Gwyn Gabe, the dad of Alexis Gabe, expressed to sources,

Also, Gwyn expressed that since Alexis Gabe’s vanishing in January, volunteers and specialists have explored in excess of 200 sections of land of land in Pioneer. 8,000,000 gallons of water from a close by lake were likewise purged.

Jones, who was blamed for charging at police in Seattle, Washington, using a blade, was killed in June following an experience.

As per reports, Jones’ buddy approached and guaranteed that the two had examined killing Alexis, as indicated by the note to the Gabes, which was found by agents following Jones’ demise. It states,

Police proceeded to express that they were puzzled with regards to why Jones purportedly picked Pioneer as his last objective since he had no associations with the district. Gwyn said that he doesn’t figure she will be tracked down there. He made sense of,

— KTVU (@KTVU) July 9, 2022

The focal point of the Gabe family’s consideration is right now on Alexis Gabe’s cellphone screen, which was one more piece of proof found by the specialists. The Gabes said they are desire to recuperate different pieces of the telephone with the assistance of a subsequent worker search after the FBI affirmed that Marshall Jones’ DNA was found on it. The request is as yet being led.