The video which became a web sensation included a mail woman who happens to interfere with the video unconsciously yet the video turned into a web sensation as it was adored by numerous individuals.

The woman who interfered with the video is being known as a mail woman by everybody. She likewise said thanks to the mail woman as she is the person who put her on the map.

Lexnotalexis is a TikTok star who as of late came into the publicity as one of her TikTok recordings became a web sensation short-term on account of a mail woman.

Lexnotalexis’ genuine name is Alexis Dinga. Her age is 21 years of age starting at 2020 according to her Instagram account. Her accurate date of birth isn’t known at this point.

Her tallness, weight, and body estimations are not known at this point. She is from Birmingham, Alabama. Her precise birthday isn’t known.

There are no insights concerning her folks and families. We additionally don’t think about her beau yet.

She as of late turned into a web sensation on account of a vide that she posted on her TikTok.

Singa alongside her closest companion Collins was attempting to shoot a move video for TikTok so she set up her telephone on a letter box over the road. What’s more, as they were shooting Annette Desmond (mail woman) interfered with the video

Individuals who are calling the individual who intruded on the video mail woman however her genuine name is Annette Desmond who has been working in US Postal Service since 1989.

Annette doesn’t have a TikTok account yet her family has it and she realized she turned into a web sensation as one of her nieces said her.

The trio age met the following day and made an appropriate moving video.

Lexnotalexis has more than 235.1 thousand devotees on her TikTok account with 11.4 million preferences.