Examinations have uncovered that he physically attacked and contacted improperly one of his female understudies. Not just that, he sent photos of his privates to two different understudies on their Snapchat account.


Alexander Guzman, old enough 26, is an instructor at the Bronx School of Law situated in Concourse Village. His new unfortunate behavior on a 16 years of age young lady has made his profile become famous online on the Internet.

The 16-year-old female is uncovered to be his understudy. Nonetheless, her name and personality are kept mystery according to authorities. Moreover, the police proclamations show that he physically attacked and coercively kissed and contacted her.

Likewise, he is additionally charged for unseemly messaging to two other teen young ladies, 16 years of age and an additional 18 years of age. He appears to have sent salacious photographs of himself to the young ladies through Snapchat.

Alexander got captured on Friday night, and he is charged one count every one of sexual unfortunate behavior and persuasive contacting and two counts of exasperated badgering.

Alexander Guzman, who recently educated at the School for law, an administration school, has been captured. He supposedly kissed a 16-year-old female without wanting to and furthermore contacted her in privates.

The casualty has unveiled that the occurrence over and over occurred between September 23 and October 31 of 2021. He would be taken out from the School promptly, as indicated by an agent for the Department of Education. Alexander began educating at the Bronx school in September of this current year.

Moreover, the school he instructed at, Bronx School of law, is an administration school that incorporates 6 to 12.

The educator from Bronx, Alexander Guzman, is uncovered to be 26 years old starting at 2021.

Alexander Guzman, 26, was arrested Friday.https://t.co/kPADeYoMzn

— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) November 6, 2021

Besides, the three casualties of his are generally adolescent females. One is 18 years of age, and two others are 16 years old.

Alexander Guzman’s Wikipedia profile is by all accounts missing for the present. All things considered, his charges in general and wrongdoing have been revealed by the NYC Police County.

He is accused of disturbed badgering, sexual wrongdoing including a minor, and coercive contacting. As indicated by an agent for the Department of Education, understudy security is their need, and they will guarantee that the casualties get equity.