The homicide case stunned the entire country. The genuine executioner was observed to be solely after 16 years of the homicide. The wrongly blamed for the homicide, Collins Stagg, gets a statement of regret and £706,000 as remuneration.

Andre Hanscombe is the dad of Alex Hanscombe. The dad and child are connected not simply by blood.

They additionally share a disastrous cling to the homicide of the model Rachel Nickel. She was killed with no attempt at being subtle before he two years of age child.

Other than the unfortunate demise of her sweetheart, Andre additionally had a lovely surprise youth. His folks separated from when he was only a five-year-old kid. He was raised by her single parent when till he was nine. Then, at that point he was taken by his dad who remained very far off from him.

Rather than zeroing in on toys and consideration, Andre needed to give soundness to his child.

After the horrendous mishap that Alex just went through, he began to become discouraged at whatever point he was helped to remember it. In any event, meeting his grandparents would trigger a miserable occasion for him. Also, thus Andre settled on the choice to get him far from all that associates Alex from before.

To our failure, we can’t discover Andre on Instagram. We additionally can’t discover his follow on some other online media stages.

We likewise can’t discover his child Alex on any Social media accounts. They were presumably still terrified of the homicide and needed to keep up with the position of safety.

Andre fleed the country just after the homicide suspect, Collin Stagg, was charged not liable by the court. Stagg was the introvert of the local where Rachel resided.

After Stagg was charged not blameworthy by the court, Andre saw numerous risks encompassing him and his child.

— Jeremy Vine (@theJeremyVine) May 18, 2017

His child could in any case recognize the suspect, which can make him the following objective of the killer. What’s more, Hence, Andre passes on the nation to take outcast from his better half’s executioners and other irate suspects and is likewise not seen on any friendly records.

Alex Hanscombe, the child of Rachel Nickell is in his mid 30s. He composed a book recalling the day he saw his mom taking her final gasp.

He actually recollects the day her mom was killed and how he can never really require his mom to awaken. Alex was discovered crying by his dead mother’s side by a bystander.

The book is named ” Letting go: A genuine story of homicide, misfortune and endurance.”