AJ has a non-verbal chemical imbalance. He was most recently seen before early afternoon at his home in Yengi Drive, around 75 kilometers south of Singleton.


The strike power has been put on his case as the quest for the kid proceeds. As indicated by news.com.au, a multi-organization reaction was dispatched on Friday to research each law breaker and crevice of the 650-section of land property.

The reaction group comprised of the canine unit, police salvage, off-road bicycle officials, police jumpers, and PolAir. However, the kid is as yet absent.

AJ Elfalak’s dad passes by the name Anthony Elfalak. He said he’s coordinated an individual helicopter to search for his child.

AJ’s mom, Kelly Elfalak, trusts her child has been kidnapped. She said she had looked through the property various occasions and in case he was there, she’d have discovered him at this point.

AJ’s guardian, Alan Hashem, said he had seen a dubious vehicle outside the homestead’s private street just before AJ disappeared. Alan lives nearby and added the kid had never meandered.

He further said they won’t quit looking until the kid is found. At this point, AJ Elfalak isn’t found is as yet absent.

The Police are examining the missing case and are investigating all situations including the dubious vehicle.

The police likewise saw 15 dams on the property. One dam was even depleted and looked.

— DeborahClay (@DeborahClay) September 5, 2021

They likewise held onto CCTV film to distinguish the dubious Toyota Hilux seen around the time AJ disappeared.

In any case, director Tracey Chapman said it’s too soon to tell in case the kid’s seized. The pursuit proceeds and in excess of 100 crisis administrations volunteers have approached to help.

AJ has a Mediterranean/Middle Eastern appearance, short dull hair, and is likely wearing a dim jumper and jeans, and tennis shoes, as per 9news.