The family, family members, neighbors, and clearly the police are constantly looking through the hint of two Asian-looking children, Aj and Cheriyah according to CBS Local.

As to and Cheriyah Dizon’s missing case, they are as yet not found.

On August 23, 2021, the two youngsters were most recently seen playing outside their condo premises on that very evening. The CCTV film shows Aj and Cheriyah conversing with somebody strange in a vehicle.

Indeed, even in 2019, the two kids had once abruptly vanished from their receptive home. Their assenting relatives took the assistance of web-based media and cops to track down those two.

During that time, Aaron and Cheriyah were accepted to have been taken by their natural mother, Reychel Dizon. However, it turned into an issue after individuals found that Reychel has effectively lost her custodial rights towards her children.

With the comparable scene being on rehash once, many individuals started to question the organic mother Reychel to be behind the missing of Aj and Cheriyah.

Indeed, even the Sacramento sheriff officials are utilizing helicopters, which are making declarations for help, to find those two little youngsters.

Aj and Cheriyah are matured 12-year-old and 8-year-old individually.

They were additionally discovered missing two years prior and already were followed by their now-family and sheriffs quicker than now.

Aj and Cheriyah are taken on by Sacramento, California inhabitant guardians.

It is discovered that their natural mother Reychel was destitute. It appears to be the two children were taken in by one more family after their organic guardians couldn’t raise those two.

Aj and Cheriyah’s ebb and flow guardians and relatives are frantically and excitedly looking through their whereabouts, who unexpectedly vanished instantly.

Given a similar example which happened around two years prior, the doubts go to Reychel Dizon here.

There is no update about Aj and Cheriyah being found on Facebook.

Not at all like previously, none of the recognizable ones of the youthful missing kids have shared about them getting once again to their home even following four days.